Thinking about getting a new extruded aluminum project going? Profile Precision Extrusions encourages you to take the advice of Nike and Just Do It. Why?

 Tip #1: Start Now!

  • Lead times of extruded aluminum tubing are at least 8 weeks as of March 2022
  • Many mills have lead times exceeding 20 weeks and many are not accepting new customers
  • Some mills are sold out for all of 2022!
  • Tooling lead times for new projects are five weeks or more

For the lead times above assumes the mill already has a die and you only need the extrusions in 10-to-12 foot lengths.


Tip #2: Don’t Wait To Get Started!

  • Extruded or machined samples will take time. Mills and their vendors are very busy with machining, painting, and anodizing extrusion orders.
  • Plan on lead times for machining and coating to take three or four weeks for each process
  • Expediting orders is VERY expensive. Demand is high and everyone “needs it yesterday.”
  • Custom aluminum extrusions costs have been rising since 2020 and unfortunately show few signs of slowing

Aluminum is mined, smelted, shipped and used all over the world for innumerable projects. It is prized for its high strength to weight ratio, ease of fabrication, and pleasing cosmetic appearance. The aluminum extrusion supply chain is impacted by global, national, and local events. In early 2021, demand for aluminum extrusions increased significantly as the U.S. economy rebounded and COVID-19 vaccines became widely available. At the same time supply in the U.S. fell due to the freeze in Texas and global shipping disruptions. As a result, lead times are historically long in the aluminum extrusion supply chain.

Profile Precision Extrusions has shorter lead times than most in our industry. In 2021 we assisted over 90 new customers with their extrusion projects. We’re on pace to do the same in 2022. If you are new to designing extrusions, we’ll offer suggestions and guidance, like 5 easy steps to get started. If you are an old hand with extrusions, we’ll ship your orders on time with no deviations. If we make a mistake, we’ll fix it… fast. 


Call us today and find out how we can help you lower your overall costs, increase quality, and save time by allowing us to manage the value chain for you. Profile Precision Extrusions would love to help with your unique challenge!