Masked & Plugged Anodize

Looking for a source for anodized aluminum extrusions? You’re in the right place. Anodizing improves the cosmetic appearance of extruded aluminum tubes and shapes, eliminates oxidation of the surface, and protects the surface of the extrusions from abrasion and scratches. Profile Precision offers additional options to enhance or protect the surface of your extruded aluminum shapes and tubing.

Hard Coat 

(Type III) anodize adds an extra thick layer of protective coating. Hard coat is typically used when the extrusion will be subject to high wear or very abrasive applications. Standard anodize (Type II) coating is approximately 0.0008” thick. Hard coat anodize coating can be up to .003” thick.

aluminum tubing

Color Dyes

Dyes can be added during the anodizing process to enhance the cosmetic look of the finished product. Typical colors are blue, green, purple, gold, orange, red, and black. Based upon experience, it is best to choose a standard color from your anodize vendor. While custom colors are possible, they are not nearly as consistent from order to order. As a result, color-matching parts from different lots can be problematic.

color dyes

Laser Marking 

Laser marking is also used to enhance the surface of anodized aluminum. The laser can be set to engrave the anodic surface or just discolor the dye. In the example below the dye was discolored and the marking turns the pigment white.


Masking or plugging holes are used techniques to eliminate anodic coating buildup in specific areas. In some applications, such as an electrical contact point or machined and threaded holes, the designer does not want that specific area coated. In the example below, the green areas have been masked. The yellow cones are pressed into machined holes. Both masking and the use of plugs eliminate the buildup of anodic coating while all the exposed aluminum surfaces are anodized.

Masked & Plugged Anodize


Call Profile Precision Extrusions today to discuss your latest aluminum extrusion or extruded aluminum tube design. In addition to producing the extrusions, we fabricate and coat them for 7 out of 10 of our customers. Call or email today (623) 936-6655.