On Thursday October 28, 2021, Profile Precision Extrusions employees welcomed family, friends and vendors to our open house celebration. 12 months earlier, during the middle of the CV-19 pandemic, we moved into a new factory. We have much to be thankful for in addition to our new factory.  

giving thanks


We are thankful that no outbreaks of CV-19 occurred within our workforce. The same employees who produce the most challenging aluminum extrusions in the industry were flexible enough to adapt overnight to new working conditions in April 2020. PPE is considered an essential business due to the parts we supply to the medical and defense industries; there was no shutdown of operations. Temperature checks, mask wearing, hand washing, and social distancing were quickly adopted. 

We are thankful for the new employees who have joined our team. Over the past 12 months employment has grown by 20%! It’s been a challenge to find them all and we are so grateful to have them on board. Many of the individuals joining our team came as referrals from existing employees which is an honor and a testament to our organization.

We are thankful for our independent sales representatives across the country. They have been a vital communication link:

  • with our customers as they moved from their offices and factories to remote work locations early during the pandemic
  • with our customers as PPE moved operations to the new factory in October-November of 2020

We are thankful for having vendors that are committed to producing the highest quality products possible. PPE sends aluminum extrusions and tubing out for machining, anodizing, powder coat painting, and centerless grinding.

We are grateful to be able to continue to invest in the business and expand our offerings. In 2021 we purchased a Fanuc wire EDM, Behringer precision cut off saw, Fanuc Robodrill machining center, and new vibratory bowl.

Last, but not least, we are thankful for our diverse customer base. They challenge us to be better every day. When we don’t quite live up to their expectations, as can happen occasionally, they give us the chance to make amends. They truly are long term business partners.

giving thanks


Finally, we are thankful that we have the chance to renew a valued PPE tradition that was cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic. We will share a Thanksgiving meal on the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving Day so share our gratitude with one another.