
We’re Home! On December 22, 2020 Profile Precision Extrusions sent out a press release announcing we had officially moved into our new factory. The ceremonial groundbreaking had taken place 403 days earlier with the hope of being moved in by July 1, 2020. Mother Nature, in the forms of a historically wet winter and a global pandemic, had other ideas. The only good aspect to come from the delay in moving was that we missed moving during the hottest summer on record in Arizona! (For those of you wondering, I would not recommend building a 100,000 square foot factory, moving three extrusions presses and 50 employees during a pandemic😊.)

At the end of 2020, Profile Precision Extrusions has much to be grateful for. We have a loyal and diverse customer base. Many of whom we have had the pleasure of working with for many years. Each of your orders in 2020 was appreciated more than you will ever know. We have not had to lay off or furlough any employees in 2020. Thank you also for challenging us every day. We learn, grow, and improve by the challenges you give us.

Thank you to our employees. We ask a great deal of each of you. Our niche is taking on the most challenging extrusions in the aluminum industry. More often than not, our employees come through with flying colors. They figure out how to produce aluminum shapes and extruded aluminum tubing the rest of the industry says cannot be manufactured. They produce prototype orders the rest of the industry refuses to run. They run small volume orders that most aluminum mills will not even consider. It is good to be different!

In 2004 an employee, Lynn Muckel, came to work one day with the following quote which he had heard on a TV documentary: “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” A quick Google search credits Dr. Wayne Dyer as the first to express that opinion. It fits our business philosophy to a tee. When a customer comes to us with a difficult aluminum extrusion design we don’t ask “can it be extruded”? We ask, “how can we extrude it”? Contact us today if you have an aluminum tube or extruded aluminum design that you’ve been told cannot be produced.
